Jardin Eden Florist Shop in Singapore

Sunny Delight Bouquet (Sun Flower, Rose, Lily)


Introducing our all time favorite and stunning Sunny Delight Bouquet โ€“ a radiant mix of cheerful sun flowers, delicate pink roses, and elegant lilies. Perfect for any occasion, this vibrant arrangement brings warmth and joy, expressing love, gratitude, or celebration in the most beautiful way. Whether youโ€™re brightening someoneโ€™s day or marking a special moment, this bouquet is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Our flower bouquets are 100% real flowers and they are carefully selected to allow long-lasting splendor. Each bouquet is hand-made only when an order is placed.

Flowers Used: Sun Flowers, Roses, Lilies and Foliages

Size: Approx 40 x 40cm

Note: All fresh flowers, fillers & foliage are seasonal, they are subjected to changes based on availability.

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