Jardin Eden Florist Shop in Singapore

Lily Radiance Bouquet (Lily, Rose, Sun Flower)


Introducing our Lily Radiance Bouquet โ€“ a luminous blend of elegant lilies, vibrant yellow roses, and the cheerful touch of two sunflowers. Perfect for celebrating any occasion or simply bringing warmth to someoneโ€™s day, this bouquet combines elegance and joy in every bloom. With its radiant colors and fresh fragrance, itโ€™s a beautiful gesture for any moment worth cherishing.

Our flower bouquets are 100% real flowers and they are carefully selected to allow long-lasting splendor. Each bouquet is hand-made only when an order is placed.

Flowers Used: Lilies, Roses, Sun Flowers and Foliages

Size: Approx 40 x 40cm

Note: All fresh flowers, fillers & foliage are seasonal, they are subjected to changes based on availability.

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